Examples of moonshots

Most often moonshots consist of three components: the address a big challenge or problem (read here, which societal ones we are working on), they use technology as a means to solve the challenge and they are developed around a big idea that tie the challenge and technology together. Moosnhots (big and small) can be found everywhere. One of the more famous ones was the lunar-orbit-rendezvous concept as presented by John C. Houboult on the image here. Google launched an entire company called X to turn moosnhots into reality.
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I choose to solve Environment because I believe that true prosperity (spiritual, economical, aesthetic) can be achieved only with a new found respect for the ... enviroment and with a reconnection to nature.. My bold idea is Track the life cicle of everything you can buy: food, clothes, electic devices (on the basis of water and energy consumption, chemicals, social value of thr company etc.) to Make companies accountable for their actions and the products they make, and to make the costumer accountable for the things they choose to buy.. I will apply Blockchain.
I choose to solve Prosperity because Crescita Abbondanza per tutti Sociale Egualitaria Sostenibile. My bold idea is Creare un’azienda della prosperitÌÊ to Diffusione della felicitÌÊ e sentimento dello scopo. ... Allungamento della vita.. I will apply Neuroscience.
I choose to solve Prosperity because Ìö importante perchÌ© il bene comune rende felici, prosperi, crea energia e felicitÌÊ e anche tanta gratitudine. My bold ... idea is Connettersi con lÛªuniverso in modo profondo to Di avere accesso alla conoscenza del tutto. I will apply Neuroscience.
I choose to solve Space because BECAUSE IT PROTECTS US FROM ASTEROIDS WHY PROTECT OUR HEALTH WHY LEADS TO GREAT DISCOVERIES WHY INSPIRES YOUNG GENERATIONS WHY WE NEED NEW ... RAW MATERIALS.. My bold idea is WHY IT IS AN EXAMPLE OF PACIFIC COLLABORATION. With all the positive consequences that derive from this, from the division of costs to the exploitation of the safest technological resources to guaran to new priority orders. I will apply Neuroscience.
I choose to solve Disaster Resilience because We need to give a future to our children We need to be prepared for all eventual events We need ... to change behaviour We need to develop more technology to prevention We are all involved. My bold idea is Increase sustainability and CO2 free production to To reduce pollution. I will apply Artificial Intelligence.
I choose to solve Water because L’acqua ̬ vita. Ìö il bene piÌ_ prezioso e troppo scontato dove ̬ disponibile. In futuro potrebbe essere fonte ... di scontri perchÌ© sarÌÊ un bene raro.. My bold idea is crearla al momento del bisogno to perchÌ© tutti abbiano fonte di vita. I will apply Biotechnology.
I choose to solve Environment because Because it is the most important issue. We need to find a solution for our children and future generations. ... I have passion for it and competences being and engineer and a marketer.. My bold idea is Add to financial performance to sustainability goals will be equally important versus financial goals. I will apply Artificial Intelligence, blockchain.
I choose to solve Food because Because we donÛªt really know where food is coming from. My bold idea is Using blockchain to understand ... the origin and composition of food. I will apply Blockchain.
I choose to solve Security because Safe life together Privacy Basic need Respect in community Communication. My bold idea is Create a world wide distributed database to Creation of ... a Certified register of identity. I will apply Big Data.
I choose to solve Learning because Jobs and occupation is changing and people should learn how to learn to keep active and relevant.. My bold ... idea is Pay for experts in free time (uber, cornershop model) for a learning session to People self steem will go up. Both sender and receiver. I will apply Artificial Intelligence.
I choose to solve Security because online safety is crucial. My bold idea is have my data stored on my DNA to allow personal control. ... I will apply biotechnology.
I choose to solve Energy because We need it ,it is not unlimited,the consumption will increase according population ,we must kick our habit and use ... renewable e.e. to get abundance for all people living oin the only planet with live. My bold idea is Favourite Kick of our habit informing people about how they can change …insert at the school programme some dedicated lesson on this matter ….childreen will influence their parents to Kick our habit and habit of a lot of people will create the condition to reach a political change respect actual direction and address more investment to climate change negative impact management. I will apply Internet of Things (IoT).
I choose to solve Water because There is no life without water. My bold idea is Replace water with other similar products (to be invented?) ... to solve the same needs to Save water to be shared where is scarcely. I will apply Big Data.
I choose to solve Security because Security is necessary to move forward with technology without negatively impacting people’s lives and rights. My bold idea is ... Have tech companies reinvest part of revenue on education to Allow people of any background to have better education and be qualified for better jobs. I will apply Blockchain.
I choose to solve Water because I donÛªt want a future war for water. My bold idea is Made portal desalinator to Availability at person ... level. I will apply Biotechnology.
I choose to solve Food because Eating is a basic need, everybody should get food, wherever they are, whoever they are.. My bold idea is ... Drone delivery to remote villages to Not have anybody to starve anymore on the planet. I will apply Smart mobility.
I choose to solve Water because Water is required for people to survive. ItÛªs also nice to swim in, tasty to drink and necessary ... for hygiene. The majority of the water is salty instead of sweet.. My bold idea is Create clean water out of waste (plastic) to To give everyone access to clean drinking water using plastic as everyone uses plastic. I will apply Biotechnology.
I choose to solve Food because ̬ un bene primario fondamentale e dovrebbe essere accessibile a tutti in tutto il mondo anche perch̩ ̬ fonte ... di gioia e unisce le persone che possono condividere del tempo creando nuove connessione. My bold idea is App che raccolga gli arrotondamenti in eccesso sul pagamento di un pasto to Aumentare le zone verdi nel mondo grazie ad un aumento dell’agricoltura anche dove attualmente non ci sono zone bonificate. I will apply Big Data.
I choose to solve Shelter because Because we need a new house concept, naturally integrated, technological, and digital and sustainable oriented. My bold idea ... is Being 90% recycler, using what we need, creating an adaptive and modular house to Smaller comunity globaly connected. I will apply Artificial Intelligence.
I choose to solve Learning because Because learning allows to act in a conscious way. My bold idea is instill critical aptitude to improve the ... world. I will apply Augmented & Virtual Reality.
I choose to solve Disaster Resilience because Because we risk a mass extinction in the planet, and IÛªm a grandfather since a couple of months. ... My bold idea is Learn how to find clean water to Children and people to maintain themselves healthy in case of disasters. I will apply Augmented & Virtual Reality.
I choose to solve Environment because i will preserve the planet on which we live, helping to keep it as intact as possible. it is ... the place where we live and where our children will live, it’s a shame to see it deteriorate because of us. My bold idea is Transform all trash in usable power to have Cleaner earth. I will apply Biotechnology.
I choose to solve Water because Water is the very first need for human beings but not everyone can get it. My bold idea is ... Reduce the investment in water research on mars conveying the money to poorest areas on the planet to To increase farmers activity. I will apply Augmented & Virtual Reality.
I choose to solve Learning because All starts with knowledge: everyone deserve a chance More diffused knowledge will create better citizens My daughter will be in this ... mission so I am emotionally connected. Learning will drive progress. My bold idea is Free learning stations placed everywhere with certified and legally recognized training. to Free access, remove physical need to go to school. Learn eberywhare. I will apply Big Data.
I choose to solve Global Health because Improve quality of life Reduce healthy costs Enjoy longer life Reduce sofference. My bold idea is Develop refrigerators which suggest what ... to eat every day to Optimize food purchases. I will apply Internet of Things (IoT).
I choose to solve Global Mental Health because IÛªm worried that the technology is changing our habits really fast and our mental health can be ... damaged by that.. My bold idea is to create a platform that can allow people to meet each other and discuss about common problems to Let them discuss about their feelings. I will apply Robotics.
I choose to solve Environment because Because it leads to more sustainable way of life.. My bold idea is Nature holidays to New touristic destinations. ... I will apply Smart mobility.
I choose to solve Water because water is renewable but very limited resource in world and people cannot live without water and there is no ... future without it. My bold idea is to plant or maintain vegetation along roads to make our planet more green and help to renewal the water. I will apply Biotechnology.
I choose to solve Space exploration because I’d like to be able to travel to different planets, and also because its a great chance for ... humans to see their lifes into perspective of something bigger.. My bold idea is To create biological “bombs” that create through a combination of heat and seeds and water the ideal conditions for surviving, then send humans there to Have More resources for everyone that remains on earth, while making possible to live on other planets.. I will apply Biotechnology.
I choose to solve Water because It is critical to maintain human beings alive. My bold idea is Rebuild old aqueducts to Allow the best ... use of available water and ensure access to maximum number of users. I will apply Internet of Things (IoT).
I choose to solve Environment because I hate waste of resources, that might be used to generate prosperity.. My bold idea is For those living ... in a flat, each apartment can have a bin interconnected with a centralized warehouse with automatic waste separation, cleaning and ability to compact it for convenient transportation to 100% recycling of waste at home, with convenient transportation to the recycling facility. I will apply Robotics.
I choose to solve learning because I dream to live in a more sustainable way. My bold idea is to eliminate physical and geographical borders ... in order to strengthen cooperation and development worldwide. I will apply Augmented & Virtual Reality.